Consent & Communication

In The Archaeology of Personalities: A Linguistic Approach to Erotic Rope Bondage, author Georg Barkas quoted American-Austrian psychologist Paul Watzlawick who argued that communication was something we do all the time—even when we remain silent—since our actions and behaviors relay a message one way or another.

This is a good invitation to be more mindful of what we do communicate, verbally or otherwise, so that we can be better aligned with our partners and enjoy more satisfying sessions.

References & Recommendations

In Georg Barkas’ “Archaeology of Personalities”, the author tries to fill the gap of a philosophical interpretation of erotic rope bondage. Starting from the vague perspective of bondage as some kind of communication, the study develops step by step a broad basis for an understanding of the power structures with a specific communication discourse. “Bondage tops have a responsibility to educate their rope partners about warning signs and communication/safewords before tying them up. Bottoms should also take initiative to get educated about bondage safety!”

We (Shibari Study) cannot stress enough the importance of thoroughly educating yourself about consent and negotiations and making sure that your partners are sufficiently informed as well.

We strongly advise that in addition to reading this section carefully you also do your own research about these topics in order to obtain complete, varied and detailed information to form your own educated opinion. We want you to feel safe, rewarded and empowered by your rope experiences!

@Kato writes: “If someone is an abuser, and seeks to maliciously harm someone, the only person responsible for the harm done is the abuser.

This writing deals with those grey instances where a miscommunication could cause a consent violation.”


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